Re: Cap's bad old days :)
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 09:05:44 -0600

Camille sides with Ms. Virginia Woolf.  Artists need a "room of their own" in
which to practice and perfect their genius.
Jim takes the side of a professor I once had who pointed out that Chaucer
never had this "room of his own", nor did Hemingway.

I for one feel that if the government is going to spend millions bailing out
corporations and farmers it shouldn't begrudge the huddled masses a federally
funded arts community...Matt Stevenson

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:18:28 +1100 (Camille
Scaysbrook) wrote:

>Jim wrote:
>> Talent -- no, genius -- finds a way in any system, and more often than
>> not it's a pretty difficult way.
>Yeah ... so what happens to the 90% who fall along the way? Even geniuses
>get sick and tired and need to pay the rent. It's a very over-romanticised
>view of genius for you to take - more and more I realise it's not what you
>know but who; there's so much tosh that gets out there, gets published, and
>somehow finds its way into millions of hands that sometimes I think that
>true talent - that is, originality, danger and innovation - is the direct
>opposite of an advantage.