Hey. I ain't contributed to this list in a while. But I still read it. Anyway, Some of you may or may not know that I've been working on this crazy book, Letters to J. D. Salinger for quite a while (still working!) Anyway, some Spanish TV cable channel, Canal+ TV, has asked if I'd like to be interviewed for a special they're doing on Salinger. So they're flying me out to NY, NY on Thursday! A) Cool eh? B) I've never been to New York. Anything particularly literary you'd like to suggest I see while there? I'll be in town from 5/7 in the am to 5/8 at around 5 pm. Wish me luck! Chris Kubica P.S. Oh: if you want to read up on my book, check out http://members.aol.com/jdsletters/ http://members.aol.com/thefmpro/ The FM Pro, Inc., FileMaker Pro Database Solutions http://members.aol.com/spelunkerf/ spelunker flophouse literary magazine http://members.aol.com/jdsletters/ A new collection of letters to J. D. Salinger 1906 W. Foster Ave. 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-6642 (phone) 773-561-6918 (fax) 773-297-3240 (cell phone)