Jim wrote: > But yes, there are stylistic similarities between Lolita and Catcher. You really think so??? As much as I love Nabokov and Salinger, they're two writers that to me couldn't be more different in style. Nabokov's writing is like a Swarzovski crystal, made vaguelly in the shape of life but really just transmuting it in sharp, perfectly honed lines. He's the epitome of art for art's sake, of Oscar Wilde's `There are no moral or immoral books, just well written ones and poorly written ones.' Salinger I'm sure takes no less care in his construction but his purpose seems far more didactic than Nabokov's which makes their styles incompatible to me. The genius of Catcher is that it is a tightly constructed piece but which seems wholly random. Lolita is more a tightly constructed piece that seems exactly like a tightly constructed piece (: It's there for show, and show only. What exactly did you see as similar about them, Jim? Camille verona_beach@geocities.com @ THE ARTS HOLE http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/6442 @ THE INVERTED FOREST http://www.angelfire.com/pa/invertedforest