Re: project

Thor Cameron (
Thu, 13 May 1999 09:41:35 -0700 (PDT)

>Patti wrote:
> >> For those of us whose talent lies in reading rather than writing I am
>hoping that this compiliation will be for sale? <<
>And for those of us whose talent lies in neither reading nor writing, I
>am hoping that the compilation will a include a blank sheet of paper at
>the back, by way of explanation.     :)

And for the Fundamentalist Christians who are taking over this state (I live 
in Colorado, for those of you familiar with the hate politics here), it also 
comes with a pack of matches attatched so they won't have to waste time 
searching for a lighter.

Sorry, that wasn't a post, it was a vent.  Their politics are causing me 
problems today.


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