"it may be the Devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody." -Dylan >about Dylan being a 'Godly man': >I did some research this summer on Dylan for a 60's class I took at Duke >and came to >find out that while he did consider himself Buddhist during his earlier >days, he later >came to a greater understanding with Christianity (1979) and all that it >entails. He >even released a few albums with strong Christian overtones within: _Slow >Train >Coming_, _Saved_ (oddly enough his weakest selling album) and _Shot of >Love_. >One quite interesting article I read was based entirely on his >reaffirmation entitled >"Bob Dylan: Born-Again Christian or Social Critic?" It basically compared >and >contrasted what they referred to as "The Old Dylan" and "The New Dylan." >I'm not meaning to jump over you or anything about what you said - it's >just that many >people don't believe he is a Christian. >-Sarah _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com