Camille, Since I don't remember any glasses or even a furtive spectacle-case I think Matt must indeed be not very well when he likens you to Glenn Close. And knowing him to be the kindest of men, we can rule out any question of malice in his invocation of probably the ugliest, least appealing of contemporary actresses (after Vanessa, that is.) I only hope the problem isn't in his visual cortex. On the other hand, you yourself are surely mistaken in suggesting Rita. For those of us young enough to remember, that strange, sleepy, half- amused, half-damaged look about the eyes, framed by that bell of hair could never be repeated. No. From now on, I shall be saying - not that Camille Scaybrook is a bit like Gloria Swanson, or Audrey Hepburn or whomever, but rather - to the next lovely girl I wish to soften up: 'You know? There's something about you that reminds me of Camille ...' All the great beauties are like no one except themselves. A principle exemplified by yourself. As Leo REALLY wished he'd said: Ugly women are all ugly in the same way. Each beautiful woman is beautiful in her own particular way. Now, if I could just wean you away from all those Chardonnay socialists ... Scottie B.