> And Camille, you were right. It is a truly excellent book. And if this was > a Nabokov listserv, I'd probably start a thread on it right now, but I'll > abstain. So, book recommendations, Jim's coat, and... pumpkin soup. > (Tried it for the first time when I was in Sydney last year. And here I > was, thinking that all you could do with pumpkins was make pie.) You are absolutely *kidding* me!? They don't have pumpkin soup in the US? Oh boy! One of the greatest creations known to man - pumpkin soup is to entrees what `Smith' is to the phonebook! You know, in some ways America is far ahead, but in others, it is *way* behind ... (: (I'll send along my mother's best pumpkin soup recipie post haste. It's the red lentils that put it over the top, believe it or not). And we are still eagerly awaiting the time where the humble Tim Tam takes off in America and becomes the greatest thing since sliced bread (which of course, it is.) A Tim Tam, for those who don't know, is two rectangles of Oreo-consistency chocolate biscuit with a sort of chocolate ganache in the middle, all covered with chocolate. 10 out of 10 for coffee dipping!!! Glad you liked Lolita, too. It really is an amazing book, though my favourite by Nabokov is the one that came next, `Pale Fire'. Dead genius poets! Admirers considering poet's last work! Sound familiar? (: Camille