Hi! Throwing in my 2 cents regarding Muriel: I really don't think Muriel loved Seymour. It is disheartening to think that so many people think this. To love someone you must know them right? Muriel just doesn't have the capacity or depth to know Seymour for who he really is. Furthermore, I picture S. and Muriel at the dinner table together. Seymour is talking about some passage of Rilke while Muriel (with an attention span of about 2 secs) is looking over his shoulder at some chick in a long formal dress, all while she is nodding at S. and preetending to pay attention. That German book S. sent her? She didnt even know where it was! The fisrt conversation she has with her mother is sooo revealing to me. Her mom is even more vapid, likley looking at S. as a prize her princess has won. Re: Buddy's interpretatiopn of Muriel. While I agree his view of Muriel was distorted, the limosine ride gave us another perspective. What made Muriels mother think S. was a homosexual? Maybe hecause he hadn't "seduced" her yet (I believe Seymnour died a virgin). This may have made Muriel feel inadequate and fascilitated psychobabale from her mom. Anyway, I dont want to blame Muriel for everything, but I find her type the antithesis form which everything S. stands for.