Re: Bases and Faces

William Hochman (
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 21:41:54 -0400 (EDT)

I'm not certain but I don't think this is a Salingerian metaphor.
Comparing bases to stages of lovemaking predates him but that doesn't
change the validity of C's reading.

I also think that TLM is a story in which two stories compete like
right and left brain lobes. Salinger uses ambiguity in his stories but I
think TLM does more than hint at her sexuality and boys' coming of age. 
I'll never forgive John Gedsudski though for what he did to boys
or her.

I've often wondered if Salinger made Gedsudski an NYU student because
Salinger didn't like going there...


On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Camille Scaysbrook wrote:
> Hey, I can't take all the credit, it was someone ages ago who first
> suggested the bases as a sexual metaphor. I can't even remember who ... the
> original person, step out of the woodwork now and claim the credit that is
> due to you!
> Camille