Re: Bases and Faces

Camille Scaysbrook (
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 13:54:09 +1000

Will wrote:
> I'm not certain but I don't think this is a Salingerian metaphor.
> Comparing bases to stages of lovemaking predates him but that doesn't
> change the validity of C's reading.

Really? I'd been told by relatives that it went back at least to the 1940s,
and, I assumed, even earlier. Nonetheless, I think it's an apt metaphor,
whether or not Salinger was referencing it or creating it on its own.

> I also think that TLM is a story in which two stories compete like
> right and left brain lobes. 

How do you figure? What exactly is cerebral about one story that is
emotional about the other? Could you explain this a little further?
