Re: oh, brother!

From: Jim Rovira <>
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 14:30:42 EDT

I don't think Cecilia's reading is really about symbolism. It doesn't
seem like she's reading Bananafish allegorically or anything like that.
I think she's trying to identify literary influence, and perhaps pry
into what Salinger may have been saying about interpersonal
relationships if the story does appropriate Rilke's version of the
Orpheus myth.

Seymour would be the Eurydice figure in an inverted version of the
Orpheus myth, but I don't think there's an Orpheus figure present at
all...that's the problem.


Scottie Bowman wrote:

> '... Who or what, then would be the Orpheus figure?
> Who or what ...?'
> Patrick, when the symbol hounds come baying &
> bounding up the valley in full cry it's time for the little
> foxes like us to keep our snouts in the earth - at least
> until they've gone lolloping past.
> Scottie B.
> -
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