Re: Boffins & saving email
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 10:28:36 -0400

>Yes ... I grew up with a used copy of the EB and used to while away
>the days picking entries randomly.  I still remember the smell.
>A CD-ROM doesn't quite smell the same....

i used to do the same as a child.  i remember developing a fascination with
discovering new and strange fish (or any other marine phenomenon) now.  but
then i was fascinated by how strange deep sea varieties would become in
order to survive the pressure down there.

>Ah, dictionaries -- you have to love them.  If you REALLY enjoy
>etymology, check out what Jesse Sheidlower is doing at
> (Jesse's Word of the Day).  He
>knows more words than anyone alive, I think.  8-)  One of the books
>he has written is "The F Word," which is a history of the word Holden
>spends so much time eradicating.  Another is a compendium of his
>"Word of the Day" entries of obscure words he has featured on his web

the many times that you have mentioned jesse's word of the the day leads me
to beleive that you REALLY like what the fellow has to say.  i haven't ever
checked him out before, but i will today.  thanks for the tip.
