Re: down with zen
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 20:11:03 -0500 (EST)

Scottie --

	Either you misread my post (not bloody likely) or I have once again failed to
make my point clear (much more believable).

	I was not suggesting that we seek answers for our dissatisfaction in
psychology or religion. I could hardly be more skeptical about both. I was
trying to suggest that a psychological and humanistic (in a broad sense)
approach to Salinger's characters may be a more fertile path toward
understanding THEM. I totally agree that when writers start making grand
statements about the world they more often than not sink into didacticism. I
meant to look at the world of the Glasses and Caulfields, apply those fields
of study to the fiction, not toward an enlightenment of our own world. I meant
to suggest exactly what you did: a concern with their world, limited to the
page, not ours.
