Subject: Re: colleges
From: William Hochman (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 16:41:11 EST
"Academic lifer" Matt? I actually had a business career and drove a cab
before giving over to the academic life but that stuff aside, the point
you make about a state education is valuable as one. I think any
student can create a great undergraduate experience by writing and reading
well but I also know that small, private, undergraduate only schools
probably do the best job of educating their undergraduates. In other
words, yes, an education depends more on the individual than the
institution, but institutions can affect the education. Since most
educations now imply a need for graduate work anyway, I mght suggest that
one start at an inexpensive school and see how things progress. 21st
century education is not going to be about one school and students are
more likely to piece together learning more like consumers. will
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