Subject: Re: Logic deemed illogical! Area man protests.
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 15:47:32 EST
'... like bloodletting before it, once seemed like
a pretty good idea. But as far as know at the moment,
neither of them is sound science ...'
Being constitutionally unable to resist the cheap joke
I must tell you, Matt, in absolute honesty, that last
Friday I was discussing with one of my patients -
a concurrent sufferer from haemochromatosis - how
he will cope with the weekly withdrawal of a pint
of the red stuff over the next few months.
'... Everything we know has to fit into the shapes
we have for knowing it. But there is no reason that
the shapes we have for knowing things are "right."...'
I THINK I understand this bit. It seems to exemplify
the futility of this whole type of discussion. To an
uninterested outsider like myself it sounds like a hall
of exhibitionists each one brandishing his own viewpoint
without significant hope of persuading the others or
intention of being, himself, persuaded.
(This has depleted my reserves for the night but
in response to Tim's request, I'm going to post
a copy to the new list to see what happens.)
Scottie B.
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