Re: Digression of sorts . . .

Subject: Re: Digression of sorts . . .
From: Andy Norris (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2001 - 02:39:17 GMT

Cecilia Baader writes:

> When
> does a novel become something other than what it was when edited so
> completely?

When Disney gets ahold of it... When the amount of money and/or the size of
the audience becomes the Number One Priority.

> Would you be more interested in getting the work read by the groups that
> scorn it so they can see it (mostly) for what it is, or would you prefer
> that it be left precisely as written and to heck with those who
> disagreed with it in principle?

I personally would rather that the purity of the work remain intact, as the
folks who scorn it are people who wouldn't "get it," anyway. They are the
phonies, eh. Anyway. Just thinkin'.

> Regards,
> Cecilia.


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