Re: Matthew: An Introduction, and theoretical Glass stories

Subject: Re: Matthew: An Introduction, and theoretical Glass stories
From: Matthew Jones (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 10:32:32 GMT

Thanks Will, Scottie and Tim for their considerate comments.

Will: I admit it sounds a little silly, but lists "Fall of
the House of Glass" as a rumoured manuscript from the 1970s. The website

"Sometime in this period, the Los Angeles Times Literary Supplement
allegedly ran an article about this novel. However, this article could not
be found in a rather extensive search by a documentary producer, so it may
not exist. We have been assured (in the first person) that one person at
least has seen and held an advance copy of this book, so something of this
name did exist. He says it was a full-length novel with plain covers saying
"Advance Publisher's Review Copy" and listing J. D. Salinger as the author.
Anyone have more info?"

Take a look at the Misc: Rumours section of that website.

Scottie: I call myself a "retired" writer because I haven't written a word
in at least five years! I used to do work for small newspapers here and
there. I wrote a novel many years ago, but I was never very serious about
the craft. My problem is I enjoy my life too much! My greatest passion has
always been sailing. However, I have a deep respect for those artists like
Salinger, who devote themselves wholly to their work.

Tim: My email name is a reference to an old Beach Boys song, of all things!
I don't like that surfing stuff that much, but there is one tune my son used
to play for me called "Surf's Up" with some really fascinating and poetic
lyrics by a man named Van Dyke Parks.

Best wishes,

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