Re: Daumier-Smith and Empathy

Subject: Re: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
From: Paul Miller (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 18:12:53 GMT

Tim wrote:
readers here who might not have read you as carefully as you
would have liked, or who simply may have honestly disagreed with

Honest disagreement, presenting another view of the story, this makes for
great discussion. The contention seemed to be that any view of a story
beyond the literal is just an add on by the reviewer and never intended by
the author. If an author can't hope for readers to pick up on anything
beyond a literal reading then we have limited their art. What does one wall
say to another? Meetcha at the corner. This can certainly be read as a joke.
Did Salinger intend it as only that? No, I'm sorry I don't think so.
Disagree, posit your own theory but don't try to say it is illegitimate to
contend meaning beyond the literal. I don't think any of us really wish to
go down that road.
 If this is too up on a soap box just delete, I'm really just writing this
for my own therapy. : )

 I like
to think it was something other than that.

me too


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