Subject: Re: Have a look at this!
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 10:19:38 GMT
On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 09:05:33AM -0400, Besiada, Jennifer wrote:
> He (the beau) responded to my email (because that is, of course, how we
> communicate the important things) with a page-long questioning of the actual
> desire to spend time in a log cabin once occupied by JDS during his creation
> process of "Catcher in the Rye". He did not "get it". He was afraid that I
> would be disappointed with the experience. This led me to question my
> sanity and to swim back to my support group for encouragement. I ask this
> of you: Would you not expect to get the same sort of goose-bump feeling
> that I expect to while occupying the same space where an amazing creation
> was born? I just want that feeling. I think I will be smiling the entire
> time. And I will be sure to take out the paper and pen, as well, and see if
> the motivation comes out of the walls.
I think it's completely a great idea of the sort that I can appreciate
-- a lot like wanting to stay at the hotel where Hemingway rented a
room in his young-in-Paris days "in the hotel where Verlaine had
died" or in the room in the Hotel Iroquois in NYC where James Dean
lived for a short period of time; it's a touchstone of a very concrete
sort with a lost time of the past.
And I seem to be receiving a lot of Wisconsin evil eyes. 8-) I'm
afraid to go anywhere near the state now. But I'm a vegetarian! I'm
on your side! May wheels of cheese, forever and ever, be yours!
As Cecilia, presently a Wisconsonian, might say, "Tra la,"
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