Subject: Re: Have a look at this!
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 13:39:28 GMT
--- Tim O'Connor <> wrote:
> I think it's completely a great idea of the sort that I can appreciate
> -- a lot like wanting to stay at the hotel where Hemingway rented a
> room in his young-in-Paris days "in the hotel where Verlaine had
> died"
Indeed. Or hiking it up to Davey Byrne's and indulging oneself in the
feety flavor of a green cheese and mustard sandwich. (Or perhaps only
eyeing it with great suspicion, as only the very greatest Joyce fans
will take an actual bite out of the sandwich.)
> And I seem to be receiving a lot of Wisconsin evil eyes. 8-) I'm
> afraid to go anywhere near the state now. But I'm a vegetarian! I'm
> on your side! May wheels of cheese, forever and ever, be yours!
And this, kids, is Evil Tim. Some of you may not know him, as he tends
to keep this darker side well-hidden. But alas, he comes out every time
one mentions the word "Wisconsin". No help for it, I'm afraid.
> As Cecilia, presently a Wisconsonian, might say, "Tra la,"
Hey, hey. Watch it with the name calling. I'm a Chicagoan -- I just
live in Cheeseland.
Tra la,
(And honesty compels me to admit that I swiped the "Tra la" signoff from
our own Paul Kennedy.)
ObSal: I went looking for instances of cheese in Salinger stories and
found nary a one. Mayonnaise, yes. And the things are just lousy with
chicken. But no cheese. Perhaps all that time in Wisconsin put him off
the stuff. (Nah.)
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