Subject: RE: fruits & nuts
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 12:11:21 GMT
bowman wrote:
(..) Cecilia’s post. Her contributions
(& Tim’s & Will’s & Mattis’ & ... fill in your own candidates)
are - apart from their great literary intelligence - characterised
by balance, kindly decency & a sort of grown-up tolerance:
something notably lacking in mine (...)
That’s really what appeals to me as a natural born head-banger:
the feeling that - you never know - it could suddenly go all
pear-shaped with tears & reproaches & hysterical laughter.
Is this fishing for compliments or WHAT? In this I borrow from Valérie, who wrote:
"Or you say you're a twit on purpose and just wait for:
'No, you're crazy, you're so intelligent and lucid. Stop that
self-destructing way of thinking!'. If it's your case, you're not a twit:
you're just immature and whining. Like all of us, I guess. "
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