global warning: worms and viruses

Subject: global warning: worms and viruses
From: Bernd Wahlbrinck (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 05:00:46 GMT

this is serious:
1. I have been getting scores of emails - each about 270 kb - with an
attachment that most likely contains the SIRCAM virus. the subject
line is always different. the content is always the same, in English
or Spanish, something like: "Hi, I need your advice, please read the
file attached." I warn everybody not to open those attachments.
2. I was away for 2 days, and when I got back last night there were
217 emails in my account. 207 were from a LENNONO (JOHN LENNON)
MAILING LIST. It seems there must be a virus who is able to get
people on that mailing list (any mailing list??) so that they receive
mails they never asked for. this virus must have gotten me on that
list. about 50% of those mails contained lots of expletives from
people like me, writing to that list and
asking/pleading/begging/cursing to be removed.
does anyone know about this and/or how mailing lists including the
fish list could be protected from those criminals?

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