Subject: Re: global warning: worms and viruses
From: Bernd Wahlbrinck (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 04:41:13 GMT
Tim O'Connor wrote:
thanks a lot, Tim
>Third, these are not "criminals"; the viruses (these recent ones are
>actually worms, an important distinction) are sent without the
>knowledge or consent of the owner of the mailer. The worm burrows
>into the mailbox and propogates itself by plucking addresses either
>from your address book or from your existence in the sender's web
>cache (e.g., if the sender had been reading the list's archive, which
>has your address in it), so the sender really isn't to blame, except
>that s/he may not have the most recent antivirus definitions.
I know that - with "criminals" I was referring to those people who
create and deliberately distribute viruses or worms
PS the Sircam virus (criminally) deletes the harddrive on Oct 16
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