RE: Ghost World

Subject: RE: Ghost World
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 12:29:55 GMT

>I think Will is referring to the unending American obsession with
>Puritanism and Puritanical behavior. It's annoying to see how the
>Times includes with virtually every movie review of a movie intended

-----Original Message-----
From: "" <> on behalf of "Will Hochman" <>

Yes, yes, what Tim said!

Well, of course I was hoping to find this kind of sentiment (being annoyed) among you lot, and in fact I couldn't imagine it didn't exist, but it's nice to see it confirmed.

The impression we get in Holland, however, is that the NYT, is a liberal kind of paper? This is not so? If it is the most liberal important newspaper, American society must be more off to the political right than i ever imagined. At least in this respect.

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