RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy

Subject: RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 12:00:40 GMT

>>I found the *least* diplomatic statements in this discussion were among
>>those making objections to interpretations. Ironic because I think that the
>>critics of criticism should be the most diplomatic of all, or as
>>Christopher said above, "not to be overdone." I've noticed this a lot in
>>life: people who are offended by other people's having opinions of their
>>own want to ban books and want to simply say, "shut up." I see censorship
>>as more offensive than the thing being censorship: an opinion.
>>Phooey on the critics of the existence of criticism.

Not to be a pain in the neck (or maybe exactly to be one ;-) but isn't what you're doing
precisely the same thing, only one level deeper? Or rather, what about the critics of critics of critics?

that 'ipsos custodiet' thing always confused me?

Confused (and hoping not to be overdoing it, Chris! :-)


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