Subject: RE: I'm gonna kick your art
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 11:49:31 GMT
it didn't help AT ALL! ;-)
i'm more confused than ever ...
So I'm gonna do a bad debating tactic, (plse don't crucify me) and just say what ME thinks, instead of responding to you directly:
Art is everything which evokes an emotional reaction.
Of course, there are conditions. Mass murder certainly evokes a reaction in me, but i don't think that's art (although Nero, according to popular myth/hard history seemed to have thought so).
So maybe it should be:
Art is everything which evokes an emotional reaction, excluding things that hurt other people.
But, some might say, "what about satire?" Okay, so i modify:
Art is everything which evokes an emotional reaction, excluding things that hurt other people, FYSICALLY.
But maybe some satire, let's say about women, jews, or black ppl, is really hurting, even if it's not in a fysical way.
We could exclude that too (it's amazing how many ppl, college-graduates included don't see the difference between an American joking about Canadians and a WASP joking about jews. But i'm drifting).
And we could go on like this (I lack the time right now), and in the end we would have, what i would hesitatingly call an acceptable 'definition' of art.
-----Original Message-----
From: "" <> on behalf of "georges aron" <>
Sent: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 13:40:56 +0200
To: "" <>
Subject: I'm gonna kick your art
Hi Zazie,
I just had a talk about art last week, so I'm going to sum it up: it appears
that there is not one absolute and definitive definition of Art . Moreover,
. So, the
final question is: is freedom always a benefit?
Well, I hope it helps.
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