Subject: Re: won't you walk into my parlour...?
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 17:08:57 GMT
On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 05:16:36PM +0100, Scottie Bowman wrote:
> '... Are we all mostly left-wingers here?...'
> That's it, Pete. Ain't nobody here but us chickens.
I think there are some right-wing people here as well; shoot, I even
KNOW at least one personally, who chooses to remain silent, and I
shall not out that person.
As far as I'm concerned, both classes, and anything that falls
between, are welcome here. I certainly hope that a conservative sort
doesn't feel the need to automatically UNSUB because of something I've
said about politics; I *certainly* never meant to drive anyone away,
and if you're on the verge of being driven away (nobody's quit today,
yet!), PLEASE don't do so based on the general political orientation
evidenced here today. We've evidenced quite a few other things today,
too: general insanity (my posts, which were pretty deranged today),
general political wide-rangingness (based on zazie's and Valerie's and
Pete's and Scottie's, among others), strong anti-virus feelings (me
again), and so on.
This tends to be a pretty big tent with plenty of room for all of us.
(Except for that &^%^% worm!) I'm going to make sure it doesn't
appear on the list tonight, and it definitely isn't on my machine.
Anyhow, I hope I haven't played any part in scaring away any list
members! Conservatives or left-wingers, you're both welcome here.
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