Re: "Oh, but I have Norton Anti-Virus"

Subject: Re: "Oh, but I have Norton Anti-Virus"
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 15:01:05 GMT

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 08:53:46AM -0700, Jive Monkey wrote:

> Good advice, certainly, for those of us who believe in "worms" and
> "viruses," and the like, but it seems that you must work for Norton or own a
> significant amount of stock in their company, or both. Yes?

Nope, I can't even afford stock in bankrupt companies. 8-(

I just happen to have bought the Norton products because they got
pretty highly reviewed, were deemed to perform well, and were CHEAP.
Ergo, they were acquired cheaply and appear on my computer. Which is
why I can give a walk-through on the Norton products and not on any of
the others. And I think their Live Update technology works pretty
well thus far.

But no, I have no other motives except to urge other people to protect
themselves. I don't personally care if you buy another product. Just
get one that's updated regularly and that gets high marks for catching
the bad guys at work, and I'll be delighted. Especially if you don't
send your virii the list's way. We're reasonably safe, but I want to
be ultra-safe....


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