Re: "Oh, but I have Norton Anti-Virus"

Subject: Re: "Oh, but I have Norton Anti-Virus"
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 17:13:58 GMT

--- Tim O'Connor <> wrote:
> Which is
> why I can give a walk-through on the Norton products and not on any of
> the others.

If you have Network Associates/McAfee, the update is just as easy:

 - On your Windows Taskbar in the lower right corner of your screen, you
will see a magnifying glass. Double-click on it.

 - Click once on "Auto Update" so that it is highlighted.

 - Click on the green triangle that looks like a PLAY button on your

 - The update should be automatic. If your free update period is over,
you should receive instructions about purchasing the update.

Cissy the Geek.
(That's the name that the friends of my friends call me on the West
Side, over by Maxwell street, ever since I got made.)
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