Subject: Re: Inverted Forest
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 17:08:46 GMT
--- "Besiada, Jennifer" <> wrote:
> Anyone have "Inverted Forest" within reach? Need to quickly know:
> 1. Was the woman who Raymond bookied for at tracks wearing fur of
> some sort?
Silver fox.
> 2. Was it the dog or horse tracks?
Dog track.
> 3. Were the pieces of paper with written poems and scribbles on
> yellow pieces of paper? What color?
This one is better served with a quotation from said story:
"'She began to push little white slips of paper into my hand every
evening when she saw me at the track. She always wrote me in green ink,
and in a small but very legible handwriting. She printed.'"
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