Subject: Re: random gleanings from the treasure trove
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 18:08:01 GMT
--- Scottie Bowman <> wrote:
> Nothing there of the emphasis on the individually subjective
> which seems to me to be inherent in ‘the eye of the beholder’.
> I’m not altogether clear where that gets us - except that it tends
> away from the implications of her last sentence (‘most meaning is
> in the hands of the reader ...’) which I find so repulsively &
> smugly presumptuous as to drive all breath from my body.
I'm not taking the creation out of the hands of the creator. That
would, indeed, be presumptuous. I was merely throwing out again a
common viewpoint in what will always be an ongoing debate ... if
unintended meaning is found by someone other than the artist, does that
mean that the meaning should be ignored? I don't think so. The
reader/viewer/listener brings something to the table, too. The
experience of the thing is the combination of intended meaning and
meaning that the audience finds.
> Because we already know that like 97% of the membership of
> this list, old Cec is a games enthusiast.
Oh, pooh. One must first understand the rules in order to play outside
of them.
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