hello - this is my first day (and first posting) on this list - and i hope i am not being presumptuous by jumping right in before i really get a good feel for the groove you guys are trying to create here. however, after getting the digest this evening, i do have a couple of things to say... 1-there has been speculation that william wharton is salinger in cognito. i personally don't believe it - even though wharton is one of my other favorite authors. anyone else heard this? 2-as for jt thomas playing in or directing works by jds, i am not for or against it. i am a little surprised - i don't know much about the kid, i guess he seems nice enough - but what i am struck by is that one of jds's favorite characters is a kid who grew up in the spotlight - i wonder how many called seymour a warped teenage star? i am not trying to compare their talents, but everyone has the ability to relate to not fitting in - it's not a party where you have to rsvp 3-thanks tim - for creating this venue for discussing something so dear to all of our hearts, and for respecting us enough to try to guide the discussion first without kicking anyone off without warning. i think maybe we can all try to remember the reasons why we want to be here in the first place. sorry for being so long winded - i'll try to be more brief next time.