Re: Er, no thanks, Thomas.
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 20:41:07 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 7/8/97 12:06:15 AM, someone wrote:

>The last thing we need is some warped hollywood teenage star attempting 
>to engage in an endeavor that is extremely diffiult, to say the least.
>Directing, or I should say attempting to direct JDS's CITR would be a 
>project and an undertaking that would be a venture nearly impossible to 
>succeed at, even for a talented and experienced director, much less some 
>cocky 16 year old. Anybody else agree on this? 

I dunno.  I'm not dying to see a movie made from CITR, but I'm not totally
against it either.  People always act like this would be the worst tragedy in
the history of movies and literature, but I don't see it like that.  I think
it would be (at least) very interesting to see how it came out.  If it was
bad... and disloyal to the book, I would simply dismiss it and go on with my
life.  Actually now that I think about it... I would really LIKE to see a
movie made from Catcher...yeah!

Anyway, the only young actor that comes to mind to play Holden is Leonardo
DiCaprio... but... nah.  It'd have to be a new-comer.

WAIT!  I've got the perfect person:  ME!  I could play Holden Caulfield.
 Certainly I could.  I'm not kidding.  

-David Alan