I never will learn to read English aloud: Jessica Davidson I never will learn to read English aloud. There's *mowed*, *towed* and *rowed*, but then there's *allowed* And once I had finally learned to say *move*, I met *love*, *shove* and *dove*, and what did it *prove*? It *proves* that I'll never discover the *coves* Where the treasure was found, nor the *stoves* nor the *groves* What a merciless language, where *thread* rhymes with *bread* But *plead* goes with *lead* (though the metal is *lead*)! And *food* rhymes with *brood*, and also with *mood*, But *stood* rhymes with *good*, and also with *hood*, While nothing but *mud* rhymes with *flood* and with *blood*. *Cut* goes with *cull* and *put* goes with *pull* And then I come up with a *but* and a *bull*. The dog had *gone* off and he's *done* with his *bone*. As for me, can I travel to *town* on my *own*? I'll *rush* over to *push* the poor child through the door *But* I don't think I'll *put* up with this any more. Wear a *boot* on your *foot*, push the *hoe* with your *shoe* But wherever you *go*, don't do what I *do*. You can say that you've *heard* that the prince grew a *beard*. The *heir* to the throne? That's really quite *weird*. There's *blew* and there's *blow*, there's *knew* and there's *know* And as soon as I've learned it, there's *sew* and there's *sow*. What a language where *manslaughter's* surely a crime But *man's laughter*--same letters--will give you no rhyme! "I have *paid* for the *plaid*." That is just what he *said*! I'll never *read* English as it should be *read*. >Still rhymes with the way I'd pronounce Joey. >Feeling very phonetically challenged suddenly, >sonny That's my bet, but I think I'll drop this altogether. Sorry the poem took so long.