Colin obviously belongs to a much gentler strand of English society than the gin-drinking, sola-topi-wearing, wog-flogging crowd that I mix with. How on earth will we ever raise a laugh without a few stereotypes: the plank-thick Paddy, the moronic Pollack or (in my own case) the dirt mean Scot? I have the distinct impression that all this hypersensitivity about racism comes mainly from members of the oppressor tribes. The 'victims' themselves seem a good deal more robust in their usage. (As a small example, my homosexual patients seem very happy to exchange insults with me about them being 'queer' & me being decrepit. If I were to start referring to them with genteel correctness as 'gay' I should dismissed with all due campy speed.) In adhering to the party line - from nigger to negro to coloured to black to African to whatever - & in gingerly avoiding anything that could be mistaken for a racial cliché, the former masters seem to me to have replaced the shamboek with an even more humiliating condescension. Scottie B.