beating as one heart

Scottie Bowman (
Sat, 26 Jun 1999 07:12:06 +0100

    I don't suppose we'll ever agree about: 
    'total lack of engagement with critical discourse.' 
    But we certainly can over: 'disengagement with 
    And on the question of narcissism I have to say, 
    Camille, what a great pleasure it is to feel oneself 
    surfing along on the same Bondi wave as yourself.  
    Not all that common an experience but none the less
    exhilarating for that.

    (I'm intrigued, incidentally, that you attribute your
    admirable Freudian exposition to Nabakov.  The last
    time I heard you quote him he seemed rather more
    dismissive of the old man's insights.)

    Scottie B.