market tips

Scottie Bowman (
Wed, 03 Mar 1999 08:01:05 +0000

    '…I can't stand Freud, but I get the feeling I might
    like Jung…'

    This fills me with sadness, Rick.  You who always sounded
    such an intelligent chap.  If only for the sake of your self-respect,
    I advise strongly against any entanglement with the Jungians.
    So nice.  So all-embracing.  So sticky.

    And a whisper in your ear.  The fall in Freudian prices of recent
    years has now ended.  Get out of Gestalts, Behaviours,
    Neo-Darwinians….  Put everything, including the deeds to
    the plantation, into Eclectic Freudians.  Then sit back & watch
    your money grow.

    Scottie B.