Re: if he's out there
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:41:05 -0600

>and zooey says, "i'm late now, Fatty. C'mon. One side." and Bessie
>follows him still nagging about the perspiration.
>It's a great little passage because the reference to her rotund waist is
>a term of endearment that could only be understood between the two of

I've proferred this before to little or no response, but I'm willing to try
again.  Does anyone else see a connection between Zooey calling his mother
"Fatty" and Franny's religious "Fat Lady"?  I haven't completely worked the
idea out in my head (mostly brecause I can't seem to find my copy of F&Z), but
I think there is something there.  Thoughts anyone?  (Especially Scottie for
whom I have shucked the rags of lower case and donned new robes of grammar
ethics.)...Matt Stevenson