I sent this off to my writer's group February 21st, may help someone... Jim ______________________________________________________ I've been reading my Writer's Market and let me tell you, it has a world of useful information. If you've never submitted an article for publication before, here's a quote from one of the contributors that you may find informative: "The things that attract Alfano [the senior editor of "B&A" Magazine] to an unsolicited fiction submission package may seem small and superficial, but, she says, 'they are the things which tell me that the writer cares about the work.' She wants a clean, legible manuscript, double-spaced ('a single spaced manuscript is a nightmare to get through when you have 20-30 submissions in front of you!') and a brief cover letter with the appropriate return postage if you've included a SASE ('Candian stamps if you're in the US -- hey, we're a separate country, guys!'). Alfano also likes some indication that writers submitting stories have read "B&A". 'Don't, for instance, send us vampire Gothic fiction; we never publish work of that type.'" Other things to keep in mind while submitting work: 1. ALWAYS submit unsolicited manuscripts (ones they didn't assign to you) or queries with a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) within your country or a self-addressed stamped envelope with International Reply Coupons (IRC) purchased from the post office for other countries. 2. Most manuscripts do not use a title sheet or cover page. Fasten multiple pages together with a paper clip, NOT staples. 3. In the upper left hand corner of the first page, include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Even if you're writing with a pseudonym, be sure to put your real name in this space. 3. In the upper right hand corner of the first page, include the approximate word count of the manuscript, the rights you are offering to your work (First Rights would be appropriate for most works sent by our members. This means you give the publisher the first time publishing rights, but you own the manuscript after that). 4. Center the title one-third of the way down the first page. Change to double space. Go down one double space and put in "by..." and your name, or the name under which you want to publish the manuscript (your pseudonym would go here). 5. Go down two double spaces below that, indent, and start your work :) 6. Be sure to have your name and page number in the upper right or left hand corner of your work on every page after the first. These are good general guidelines for submitting work. Alfano is an editor for "B&A" magazine -- a Canadian mag touted as a "break-in market for talented new writers." (This is a good one to submit "Translation" to, Camille). If you're interested in submitting work to "B&A," you can mail your submissions to PO Box 702, Station P, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2Y4 Canada. You may be able to ask for guidelines at fiction@interlog.com. If not, send a SASE (remember the right postage, this is in Canada) to the above address, asking for submission guidelines. Another good place some of our members may want to submit work is: BOMB MAGAZINE 594 Broadway, #905, New York, NY 10012 (212) 431-3943. Contact: Jennifer Berman, senior editor. Quarterly Literary magazine covering art, literature, film, theater and music. Estab. 1981. Circ. 12,000. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Byline given. Buys one-time rights [this means you can submit works elsewhere at the same time -- Jim]. Reports in 4 months. Sample copy for $4.50 and ten first class stamps. Nonfiction -- Book excerpts. "Literature only" Query. Length: 250-5000 words. Pays $100 minimum. Photos -- Pays $100.00 minimum. Captions required. Buys one-time rights. Fiction -- Experimental, novel excerpts. "No commercial ficion" Buys 28 mss/yr. Send complete ms. Length: 250-5000 words. Pays $100.00 minimum. Poetry: Avant-garde. Buys 10/yr. Submit maximum of 5 poems. Pays $50.00. (the above was from the 1999 Writer's Market). ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]