Re: how to get published - fiction

Scottie Bowman (
Fri, 01 Oct 1999 07:53:54 +0100

    Dear Sean,

    Initially, I wasn't sure.

    But when I read:
    '…the smug, self-promoting 'advice' that one
    of our published bananafishers has condescended
    to give ...' - I knew you must have meant me.

    No, the books were useless - rather derivative juvenilia,
    as I think I knew even then, though the opinion
    wasn't shared by others.  (Ever heard of Elizabeth Bowen,
    Claire Tomalin?  Probably not.)  They embarrass me
    & I've been at moderate pains to keep them hidden -
    a job made easier by the fact of their being out of print
    & virtually unavailable for many years.

    The smugness which you recognise, though, arises
    from the knowledge that within those two rather
    flat cakes were a few startling pieces of fruit from
    my own orchard - where there still grow some vigorous
    young trees.

    If a writer doesn't enjoy that knowledge, that confidence,
    all the praise in the world won't help him.  And if
    he does possess it, nothing else will matter very much.
    Publication - which we all long for - is, finally, irrelevant.
    Even so, while there are occasional exceptions, most marketable
    products will be recognised fairly early on by the professionals
    who make their money selling stuff in the market.

    Scottie B.