Re: The talking going on in one's head

Matt Kozusko (
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 19:39:00 -0500

Steven Gabriel wrote:
> The above has absolutely no informational content.  Of course a real entry
> in said dictionary would probably read something like:
> Dog -- Not cat, not bird, not tree, not love, not ....
> Leading onward to all known objects, but this is silly as the definitions
> don't mean anything at all and they have no potential to leading towards
> any interesting system of linquistics.  What do I have wrong with this
> account of linguistics then?
Precisely nothing!  You've got it.  Very curious, too, becuase it took
a good many people a good long time, working entirely in earnest, to
reach exactly the conclusion you've arrived at here.  But this is
exactly how language works.

Matt Kozusko