Re: lack of schooling

Scottie Bowman (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:45:09 +0000

    I'm not sure, Jim, what you mean by 'his subjects in these schools'.

    Sherborne & Eton are two of the best (second level - age 11 to 18)
    schools in England.  (What we call 'public' & you would call 'private.)
    One doesn’t take 'subjects' as one might in a university (& which I
    Americans sometimes refer to as 'school'.)  They offer a general range
    of education with no specialisation until the last year or two.  And you
    can take my word for it that anyone teaching French & German
    in Eton has a pretty thorough grounding in the 'literature' of those

    Your revelation of childhood asthma is, of course, cheating.  My
    to your curious linguistic tic of introducing so many posts with that
    'heh' had nothing to do with any actual pathology you might suffer.
    To introduce such a personal diversion at once opens other
    Just as my introduction of my anterior cardiac infarct might expose me
    to comments on the aggressive personality traits that so often go with
    a lesion, so may your asthma expose you to a discussion of the marked
    inhibitory/repressive features that so often go with *it*.

    Beyond all that, I'm interested that my innocuous tease should arouse
    such strong feelings.  You & Tim may offer various exceptions to the
    (in which, incidentally, le Carre used the word 'mainly') but it's
    of a cliché that most artists look on critics & commentators with
    I wasn't offering anything new.

    But what was it?  Was it the word 'failure'?

    Scottie B.