Re: under the hat

Subject: Re: under the hat
From: Will Hochman (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 01:19:15 GMT

The bright red hunting hat is pictured in the Signet l953 paperback
edition's cover. In the l950s, mostly baseball players and little
leaguer wore baseball caps, and hunters used similarly styled hats
made of thicker wool, often with earflaps (a bit like a Sherlock
Holmes deerstalker hat minus one brim). Hunting hats in NYC would be
considered odd. Anyhow the cover also shows holden toting a
gladstone with a pency prep sticker but it is not "technically
correct"because it also shows Holden in gloves, but my hope is that
those quotes around technically correct get a few laughs here, since
we all know Holden too well to take the image of a book cover too

PS: I wonder if Holden wanted to know where the ducks went so he
could get a little hunting in while in NYC? (just kidding;)

Will Hochman
Assistant Professor of English & Composition Co-Coordinator
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT 06515
203 392 5024

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