Subject: Re: Have a look at this!
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 11:14:49 GMT
On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 10:39:28AM -0700, Cecilia Baader wrote:
> And this, kids, is Evil Tim. Some of you may not know him, as he tends
> to keep this darker side well-hidden. But alas, he comes out every time
> one mentions the word "Wisconsin". No help for it, I'm afraid.
Drat! Foiled again! Spoiled like a well-oiled wheel of your finest,
greenest cheese, aged deep in the stalagmightiest of mineral-dripping
It's a kind of Wisconso-mania, I think. But it's harmless. As I am.
> > As Cecilia, presently a Wisconsonian, might say, "Tra la,"
> Hey, hey. Watch it with the name calling. I'm a Chicagoan -- I just
> live in Cheeseland.
Whoops. I slipped on a sliver of some kind of cousin-to-cheddar that
someone dropped on the floor over there....
> (And honesty compels me to admit that I swiped the "Tra la" signoff from
> our own Paul Kennedy.)
Ah, ha!
(I don't know what it is that I'm exclaiming over, only that I feel
compelled to exclaim, "Ah, ha" to that revelation.)
> ObSal: I went looking for instances of cheese in Salinger stories and
> found nary a one. Mayonnaise, yes. And the things are just lousy with
> chicken. But no cheese. Perhaps all that time in Wisconsin put him off
> the stuff. (Nah.)
I think you're on to something. But you'll need to go deeper into
Wisconsin. Deep within the caves, where they store the 22 unpublished
stories. For (it is written ... somewhere) there you will find the
cheese references. It is said that there is a library in the state
that collects only American Cheese Literature, and it is said that
Cecilia knows the location, but is compelled, by virtue of her knowledge,
to keep it to herself. This is a mystery well worth pursuing. "The High
Life on Toast Points: Dairy Influences in the Work of J.D. Salinger." I
can see it already.... I can see it ... as they cart me away, I can
see it. There's your first scholarly work that will be accepted at the
U-Wisconsin at Madison, if you play your cards right....
Or, to sign off in the manner of an infamous doorman I once knew,
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