Subject: Re: random gleanings from the treasure trove
From: Paul Kennedy (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 14:57:09 GMT
Fools rush in....
I don't think that the "Creature from the Frozen North" (or whatever it was
I was called) has ever had occasion to cross swords with Scottie. But this
particular Abominable Snowperson can't quite overlook one specific lunge:
> Here's my latest aphorism for you
> to ponder: Original insight is born of play. And when play dies
> it becomes a game.
> Scottie B.
If it hadn't been signed, I might have thought it was Nietzsche--except that
the aftertaste is WAY too sour.
Although I'd never claim to be a writer, in some modest way I'd accept the
perhaps more elevated vocation of the storyteller. And a few of the best
stories that I've read/heard/seen/(blush)told in recent years have come from
the world of "sports"--although I'm not sure where "sport" fits into your
"play/game" spectrum, Scottie, I suspect it's with the gamey guys.
Now, I know that it's fashionable in tweedy sherry-sipping circles for
esthetes to look down their noses and through their lorgnettes at sports
fans like all the fine folks in Scottie's list. Pity. It makes me think
they'll never understand high-falutin literary images like the baseball
glove in CATCHER; or characters like Mary Hudson, who smoked cork-tipped
Tareyton cigarettes, and "happened to be a girl who knew how to wave to
somebody from third base"....
Sports are something like languages. Unfortunately, I understand so few. I
can only pity those who'd prefer to understand even fewer.
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