RE: The Aesthetic [was RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy]

Subject: RE: The Aesthetic [was RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy]
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 17:46:53 GMT

--- Sean Draine <> wrote:
> Social phenomenon are inherent complicated and soft around the edges,
> so this doesn't give you a clear way to determine whether or not
> a given artifact is a work of art.

Okay, but calling art a function of a social phenomenon doesn't
necessarily preclude my definition, that art is truth. Though I don't
disagree with you, either. Socially speaking, if someone recognizes a
sort of truth in what they are seeing/hearing/reading, that person is
more likely to deem it art. If someone recognizes a truth that they
don't necessarily agree with in the work, they are also going to call it
art. Crappy art, but art.

(I feel like I should be standing amidst columns wearing robes and
avoiding hemlock-bearers.)
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